The beauty of Physics

2 minute read


All science enthusiasts are like wanderers in a field who try to unravel the secrets of nature. Human curiosity is inbuilt and we all have innate desire to discover the world around us and be informed! Physics is the fundamental science branching into narrow pathways leading scientific discovery of the unimaginable, the unexpected, the exciting and electrifying.

Physics is all about imagination and curiosity. It is about bringing together tiny bits of thoughts to come up with something meaningful. The soul of the science remains to remove ambiguity and establish facts! It does what almost every science does, gives us proof which serves as an answer to our question.

A Physicist needs to be patient, perspicacious and scientifically adept and equipped in order to assemble the bits and pieces of evidences received and assemble them into a meaningful form. To be a Physicist is the ability to see above normal human imagination. To me studying physics is almost as liberating as playing the piano.

Research in physics is an extremely interesting career. Especially with the advent of the discovery of the Higgs-Boson particle and opening up of various fields such as Astrophysics and Astronomy . Imagine to be living the Star Wars life in reality and being surrounded by things feeling almost like a sci-fi movie. The world of Physics is almost a fantasy like a Harry Potter movie, exciting and exhilarating. It helps us understand the macroscopic and microscopic things around us from quarks to an Airplanes, Physics has it all! We can apply our knowledge to the world around us and satisfy our curiosity buds about making things work and re-innovating.

Physics surrounds us in every way possible. From our cars to the satellites, from radios to huge LED TVs. All involve the application of Physics! The speed of a car to the orbit of a satellite around the Earth, the transmission of signals in our brain to that of the mobile phones using telephone lines and also the moment of tectonic plates and other natural phenomenon. Who knows some day science makes us meet aliens and we have a parallel Earth on Mars? Physics is a roller coaster ride taking us around the universe and enables us to discover every part of it.